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Nadine Lloyd

Nadine is a young self-taught chef who had a stroke at the age of 16 months. As Nadine has a passion to create and cook, after leaving school, she applied to study as a chef at various colleges and restaurants but was rejected due to her being "different" from others! 

She has since studied, created, cooked, tested, tweaked, and re-cooked over 600 delicious meals. Some are still in production; others are now complete and beautifully presented for you to enjoy through her Books. 

If you would like to support Nadine, with both ingredients and specialised cooking  equipment, please use the "Donate" button at the bottom of the page.  

Nadine at 16 months in Hospital

In a nutshell, the doctors at the Women’s & Children’s Hospital in Adelaide Australia saved my life.

Nadine with Kick-Boxing helmet on to protect her brain after her operation

I was born mid-August 1994. Mum gave normal birth, and I was a healthy baby. However, at the age of 16 months, I experienced an unexpected right side hemiplegia (stroke). Seven top surgeons from the ‘Women and Children’s Hospital in Adelaide Australia agreed that I required immediate surgery.

For two weeks after the operation; the doctors kept me at death's door by placing me on a bed of ice. They coupled me to many instruments; one of which was a brain temperature and pressure monitoring device which had to be flown in from Melbourne.

Petra (mother) and Nadine on the Beach

The stress on my family, over that time, was immeasurable; so on leaving the hospital, dad, mum, and my sister took me straight down to the beach for some fresh air.

I was visually impaired on one side, and also paralysed down my left side. As a result I required support to sit or stand. To feed me the hospital supplied my parents with a special purpose high chair. As a portion of my skull (bone flap) had been removed, to lower the pressure in my brain, I had to wear a kick-boxing head protection helmet.

The doctor’s all agreed that I would probably be bound to a wheelchair for the rest of my life.

My parents; however, did not!

They refused to take the many wheelchairs that were on offer; rather they insisted I will walk again. 

Three months after leaving the hospital I had an appointment with the senior surgeon. While playing with the toys in the waiting room my dad said to me that, when the doctor calls my name, I  must get up and walk over to him and …


I did!

The shock and disbelief on that surgeons face was very evident, and the pride in my parent’s hearts was explosive.

School came all too quickly. As a student at a Christian College, I was treated with great disrespect. The children constantly laughed and ridiculed me. They said I looked like a freak because my arm was not “like theirs,” and because I walked with a slight limp. They pushed and bullied me at every opportunity. This meant I found mainstream school very difficult.

Nadine and Mum at school
Nadine's school photo

Despite what the outside world thought  of me, my family stood rock solid by my side.

I was working in the garden early one Saturday morning when Nadine, (7) called out to me to ask if I was hungry and if I would like an omelette for breakfast. Not wanting to hurt her feelings I said, “yes please.”


As I worked I imagined what I might get for breakfast that morning. My thoughts could not have been further from the truth. When I was presented with my breakfast, I was shocked to say the least. Nadine’s love and passion for cooking exploded onto the plate. The flavours, textures, and aromas, as well as that omelette's visual presentation, were beyond belief.

My little one-armed child could hardly reach the stovetop, let alone crack an egg, and yet she had produced a breakfast (literally single-handed) better than most hotels - of which I’ve been to many!

At that point I knew Nadine had a natural skill which needed to be encouraged.

Nadine at seven years old cooking in the kitchen


After leaving school I attempted a career in cooking, but no matter which way I turned, I was rejected from chef colleges, chef schools, private, and public restaurants, all due to my inability to handle high speed food production. It was then that I decided to go it alone. 

For inspiration I turned to the TV cooking shows; watching and absorbing from some of the greats, like Gordon Ramsey, as well as reading old recipe books which belonged to my mum and my granny.

As a self-taught one arm chef I found that cooking was a challenge. However, at the age of 19 I decided to research, test, and write my own recipe Books.

I decided that, if the world wasn’t going to offer me any employment opportunities,

then I would create a career for myself

I encourage people who have had a stroke to not give up on the things they love to do. 

Yes, I know from experience that working with one hand is challenging; however, my strongest recommendation to you is to keep going. Reach for the sky. Over time our brain, if we let it, seems to work out the solutions to difficult problems. It finds a way to compensate for our loss, and then we achieve things we could never have imagined.

Never be put down, guided, or influenced by nay-sayers!

Everyone enjoys a great tasting meal at the end of the day. Don’t hold back. Although I did not get the opportunity to become a professional chef, I did follow my culinary passion. I trust you will enjoy my many recipe Books, and find the hints and suggestions helpful.

Using as many fresh ingredients as possible, I have designed each recipe to be an ‘easy-to-make’ deliciously tasting home cooked meal. I have ensured that most ingredients are readily available from your local grocery store.  

Some recipes may look familiar to you; however, the difference lies in the sauce. In the preparation of most meals, I found that the intense flavours come from the sauce, as well as from the main ingredients themselves. Most of my dishes have been prepared, either in the sauce, or the sauce offered as a side dish. Try them and taste the difference for yourself. 

Most of my recipes are not quick 3 minute, or 3 ingredient recipes. These I will leave to other authors. My recipes are designed to be created from the love of food. The aromas, textures and flavours. Plan your meal, purchase your ingredients, and then enjoy the time you spend cooking, presenting, and enjoying the meal with family and friends.

I trust you will have as much pleasure in cooking and enjoying these meals as I have had in creating them for you.

All the best for now. 

Nadine Lloyd

(Recipes for Home & Restaurant)

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