Canapé / Appetizer
Recipes for Home and Restaurant
by Nadine Lloyd
From the Author:
Canapés are small bite-sized treats that are usually offered as savoury snacks during late afternoon drinks.
As such, I have created these as a “one-handed no-mess” treat. This means your guests can continue to hold their drinks with one hand and take a canapé with the other. This, in itself, is an idea you should consider when serving any canapé!
Some canapés can be refrigerated and brought out when required; others need to be made and brought out immediately. At the end of most recipes, I have indicated my preference; however, on the day this will be your choice.
I love to create, cook, test, tweak cook, and yes ... repeat! That's why I offer these recipes to you.
It's a big task; however, I find that when you do something you love, the hard work becomes enjoyable.
I trust you'll make some of these treats for your guests and, while doing so, have as much fun as I have had while creating them for you.
If you would like to help me with some of the ingredient costs, or special kitchen equipment I need to produce these recipes, please click on the donate button at the top right. Your contribution will help me to keep this free recipe website alive.
Thank you.
Nadine Lloyd
(Recipes for Home and Restaurant)